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ArchitectUI jQuery Bootstrap 4 HTML Version

ArchitectUI HTML is built using the latest frontend technologies.

It's powered by jQuery, Bootstrap4, Webpack and Yarn.

For stylesheets it uses SASS which allowed us to build better, more modular and scalable styles. The modular SCSS files are compiled, minified and bundled automatically using Webpack.

All styles are standardised using the Bootstrap4 code base.

The demo is built using Handlebars templating. We used it to put together or the different layout parts without repeating common HTML snippets, like header, sidebar, footer.

The .hbs files can be easily transformed in HTML files, so that you don't have to keep the Handlebars system.

Each Javascript widget is imported and initialized inside their respective file, under src/scripts-init. This way it's easy to exclude widgets that you're not going to use.

The .hbs templates, SCSS stylesheets and Javascript files are put together, compiled, concatenated and minified by Webpack 4. You can include/exclude new files in webpack.config-helper.js

If you prefer a different built tool you can replace Webpack with Gulp or Grunt.


  1. Download and uncompress the theme package archive in your desired folder location.

  2. Download and install Node.js from

  3. Install the latest version of npm. This will be useful when running all the build commands. Run the following in a command line, either your IDE's Terminal window or in a Windows Command Prompt.

        npm install --global npm@latest
  4. Install the app dependencies by running the following command in the command line inside the folder root where you have unzipped the theme package archive.

        npm install
  5. After npm finishes installing the modules from package.json you can go ahead and start the application. To do so, run the command below.

    You can also use yarn to install dependencies instead of npm.

        npm run start

    After the comand finished, you should see a Compiled successfully! message in your terminal window. Also, a web server service will be started so you can view your app in the browser: http://localhost:8081

  6. To create a production optimised build run the command below:

        npm run build

    This created another folder in the root of your project named build. You'll have an option to start a local web server to view your newly created production build.

File Structure

Folder Path Description
src Holds all the project source files
scripts-init In this folder you will find all the JS scripts imports and also all the initialization snippets for jQuery widgets/plugins used through out the HTML demo.
pages.js In the HTML version demo, we used Handlebars templating for generating all the example pages. This is the file that references all the demo pages and layouts. In the template package there is also a production ready version the ArchiterctUI, with all the files generated in HTML.
assets Contains theme source SCSS stylesheets files. base.scss is the main stylesheet that imports all other stylesheets for components, elements, layouts and widgets.
DemoPages In this folder you can find all the examples from the demo. This is useful if you want to copy paste snippets of code from the theme demo.
├─Applications Applications examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Applications" submenu.
├─Components Components examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Components" submenu.
├──Form Forms elements and components examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Forms" section. They are splitted between the following sub-directoriesComponents and Elements.
├──Charts Charts elements and components examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Charts" section.
├── [...] Other components examples that don't have a parent folder. For example, Accordion, Calendar, Pagination, Progress Bar, etc
├─Dashboards Dashboards examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Dashboards" submenu.
├─Elements Elements examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Elements" submenu.
├─Main This contains the main app component wrapper. All others pass through this component. It also holds the div that accepts layout modifiers like fixed-sidebar, fixed-footer, etc
├─UserPages Pages examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Pages" submenu.
├─Widgets Widgets examples, found in the Demo navigation under "Dashboard Widgets" section.
Layout This folder holds all the components that build the page layout wrapper.


All ArchitectUI stylesheets can be found in /src/assets/.

From base.scss you can choose for what elements, components, widgets stylesheets to include in your application.

For Example, if you won't be using the Flag Kit component, you can remove it's associated SCSS file by commenting out the import line like in the example below:

    // Google Fonts
    @import url(',500');
    @import "components/bootstrap4/functions";
    @import "components/bootstrap4/variables";
    @import "components/bootstrap4/mixins";
    // ArchitectUI Themes Variables
    @import "themes/layout-variables";
    // FlagKit
    // @import "components/icons/flagkit/flagkit";
    // Image Crop
    @import "components/image-crop/image-crop";
    // Guided Tours
    @import "components/guided-tours/guided-tours";
    // Loading buttons
    @import "components/loading-buttons/loading-buttons";
    // Drawer
    @import "components/drawer/drawer";
    // Hamburger button
    @import "components/hamburgers/hamburgers";
    // Notifications
    @import "components/notifications/sweetalerts";
    @import "components/notifications/toastr";
    // Slick Carousel
    @import "components/slick-carousel/slick/slick";
    // Popovers & Tooltips
    @import "components/popovers-tooltips/popovers-tooltips";
    // Calendar
    @import "components/calendar/calendar";
    // Maps
    @import "components/maps/vector-maps";
    // Tree View
    @import "components/tree-view/tree-view";

All components use the same variables for spacing or styling. We'll talk about style customization in the next section: Theming & Colors.

Inside /src/assets/, folders are structured in a logical manner based on the element or component type, so you can easily find or remove the respective element or component. For example, all Bootstrap 4 related stylesheets can be found under /components/bootstrap4/.

Also, inside /src/assets/ you'll find a folder called demo-ui. This contains theme demo specific SCSS and should be removed in a live application because some of the styles written there are appliable for demo purposes only.

Layout Stylesheets

Layout stylesheets are located under /src/assets/layout folder. Inside you'll find folders logically split between the layout components: Layout Header, Sidebar, Main Content Area and so on.

Let's take the Header section as an example. Inside /layout/header/ folder you'll find two subfolders /modifiers and /themes.

The _header-base.scss contains some generic styling for the layout header component and all the imports from those two sub-folders.

  1. /modifiers/ - this folder contains all the modifiers for the header like fixed-header and also, the header components.

  2. /themes/ - based on the color choosen for the header component background, you can choose one of the two themes available:

    • _header-light.scss - should be used with a darker background color, this way the texts and icons will have a light color contrast
    • _header-dark.scss - should be used with a lighter background color, this way the texts and icons will have a dark color contrast

The /themes/ folder can be found for the following layout components: header, sidebar and main

Theming & divors

ArchitectUI is built in a modalar and scalable manner. This means that you can easily modify theme variables and they will get propagated thorugh out the whole stylesheets architecture.

ArchitectUI is build around the latest version of Bootstrap 4 (Bootstrap 4.2.1).

All generic theme variables can be found in /src/assets/themes/_variables.scss.

To modify, for example, the generic colors scheme for common states like success, warning, primary, danger, info and so on, you'll have to modify the _variables.scss file as follows:

     // divors
    $white: #fff;
    $gray-100: #f8f9fa;
    $gray-200: #e9ecef;
    $gray-300: #dee2e6;
    $gray-400: #ced4da;
    $gray-500: #adb5bd;
    $gray-600: #6c757d;
    $gray-700: #495057;
    $gray-800: #343a40;
    $gray-900: #212529;
    $black: #000;
    $grays: ();
    $grays: map-merge(
                "100": $gray-100,
                "200": $gray-200,
                "300": $gray-300,
                "400": $gray-400,
                "500": $gray-500,
                "600": $gray-600,
                "700": $gray-700,
                "800": $gray-800,
                "900": $gray-900
    $brand: #3f6ad8;
    $blue: #78C3FB;
    $indigo: #444054;
    $purple: #794c8a;
    $pink: #f65ca2;
    $red: #d92550;
    $orange: #fd7e14;
    $yellow: #f7b924;
    $green: #3ac47d;
    $teal: #16E0BD;
    $cyan: #28b0cd;
    $blue-light: #eeeeee;
    $primary: $brand;
    $secondary: $gray-600;
    $success: $green;
    $info: $cyan;
    $warning: $yellow;
    $danger: $red;
    $light: $blue-light;
    $dark: $gray-800;
    $focus: $indigo;
    $alt: $purple;
    $theme-colors: ();
    $theme-colors: map-merge(
                  "primary": $primary,
                  "secondary": $secondary,
                  "success": $success,
                  "info": $info,
                  "warning": $warning,
                  "danger": $danger,
                  "light": $light,
                  "dark": $dark,
                  "focus": $focus,
                  "alternate": $alt

Layout Components Styles


You can modify the Sidebar component background style by adding one of the below CSS helpers to the .app-sidebar component. For example, if you want ot have a green style sidebar, you'll have to add bg-success as a CSS class to the div that has the app-sidebar CSS class.

  1. src/assets/layout/sidebar/themes/ - based on the color chosen for the sidebar component background, you can choose one of the two themes available:

    • _sidebar-light.scss - should be used with a darker background color, this way the texts and icons will have a light color contrast

      The CSS class that needs to be applied to .app-sidebar is text-sidebar-light.

    • _sidebar-dark.scss - should be used with a lighter background color, this way the texts and icons will have a dark color contrast

      The CSS class that needs to be applied to .app-sidebar is text-sidebar-dark.


You can modify the Header component background style by adding one of the below CSS helpers to the .app-header component. For example, if you want ot have a warning state style header, you'll have to add bg-warning as a CSS class to the div that has the app-header CSS class.

  1. src/assets/layout/header/themes/ - based on the color chosen for the header component background, you can choose one of the two themes available:

    • _header-light.scss - should be used with a darker background color, this way the texts and icons will have a light color contrast.

      The CSS class that needs to be applied to .app-header is text-header-light.

    • _header-dark.scss - should be used with a lighter background color, this way the texts and icons will have a dark color contrast.

      The CSS class that needs to be applied to .app-header is text-header-dark.

Bootstrap 4 Variables

Architect comes with 9 different color schemes, located under /assets/themes/.

Stock, the default variables are loaded. To load a different color schemes for Bootstrap 4 variables, in /assets/themes/_layout-variables.scss, comment out the default variables @import "default/variables"; and uncomment a different variables scheme.

Colors Available

Hover over the color dots below to see what CSS class you need to apply for Header and Sidebar components for each style.

Remember to use them in combination with _*-light.scss or _*-dark.scss

Solid Colors
Gradient Colors
Available Images

jQuery Components

All components used in ArchitectUI HTML version are imported and maintained in node_modules from package.json located in the project root.

For a better control, consistency, modularity and scalability, all style related resources are maintained and integrated from /src/assets/ folder.


jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.

Bootstrap 4

Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world's most popular front-end component library.


When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated.

Full Calendar

A JavaScript event calendar. Customizable and open source.

Slick Carousel

The last carousel you'll ever need

jQuery Circle Progress

jQuery Plugin to draw animated circular progress bars


Quickly create animations that display numerical data


Step-by-step guide and feature introduction

Grid Tables

An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features.

Tree View

JavaScript tree view / tree grid plugin with support for keyboard, inline editing, filtering, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading

jQuery Cropper

A jQuery plugin wrapper for Cropper.js

Ladda Loading Buttons

Buttons with built-in loading indicators.


Use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way

jVector Map

Many maps of the world, world regions, countries and cities are available

jQuery Bar Rating

jQuery Bar Rating Plugin - minimal, light-weight jQuery ratings.

Perfect Scrollbar

Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin.

Sweet Alerts



Simple javascript toast notifications

Data Tables

Add advanced interaction controls to your HTML tables


A simple jQuery datepicker plugin.

Date Range Picker

A JavaScript component for choosing date ranges, dates and times.

jQuery Validation

Form validation with jQuery

Select 2

Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options.

Bootstrap Multiselect

JQuery multiselect plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap.


Popular WYSIWYG editor


A modern approach to copy text to clipboard

Form Wizard

The awesome jQuery step wizard plugin with Bootstrap support

Input Mask

Inputmask is a javascript library which creates an input mask.


JavaScript Range Slider

Textarea Autosize

Vertically adjust a textarea based on user input and control all presentation in CSS.

Toggle Switch

Bootstrap 4 plugin/widget that converts checkboxes into responsive toggles.


Modern & Interactive Javascript Charts to create beautiful representation of your data.


Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers.

jQuery Sparklines

This jQuery plugin generates sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML, or via javascript.

Layout Modifiers

ArchitectUI has built-in CSS helper classes that modify the layout components positions.

These CSS helper classes need to be added to the element that has the app-container CSS class. The path to the ArchitectUI App Container Component is: /src/DemoPages/Main/index.js.

Check out the available modifiers list below:

App Container Modifiers ( .app-container )
CSS Helper Class Modified Component Description
fixed-header Header ( .app-header ) Makes the Header Component positioned top fixed/sticky.
fixed-footer Footer ( .app-footer ) Makes the Footer Component positioned bottom fixed/sticky.
body-tabs-shadow Page Section Navigation ( .body-tabs-layout ) When adding the body-tabs-shadow CSS helper to the app-container element, the pages section sub-navigation menu will transform the menu active item to pills with drop shadows.
body-tabs-line Page Section Navigation ( .body-tabs-layout ) When adding the body-tabs-line CSS helper to the app-container element, the pages section sub-navigation menu will transform the menu active item bottom line style.
app-theme-* Main Section There are two subtile color schemes available on top of all the color themes for top-bar/header components: app-theme-white or app-theme-gray. These modify the color scheme for the main content area.

Their style can be modified from /src/assets/layout/main/themes.

Header ( .app-header )

These CSS helper classes need to be added to the element that has the app-header CSS class. The path to the ArchitectUI Header Container Component is: /src/Layout/AppHeader/index.js.

Check out the available modifiers list below:

CSS Helper Class Modified Component Description
header-shadow Header ( .app-header ) Adds a drop shadow for the Header Component.
Sidebar ( .app-sidebar )

These CSS helper classes need to be added to the element that has the app-sidebar CSS class. The path to the ArchitectUI Sidebar Container Component is: /src/Layout/AppSidebar/index.js.

Check out the available modifiers list below:

CSS Helper Class Modified Component Description
sidebar-shadow Sidebar ( .app-sidebar ) Adds a drop shadow for the Sidebar Component.